Here are a few ways your DoulaCare postpartum doula will teach you:
Carry your baby so his chest is against yours and his head is resting on your shoulder. A very good position for burping and babies like it because they can look at things over your shoulder.
Sit the baby on your lap with her back resting against you and your hand holding her chest. Then rock back and forth. If you have a rocking or glider chair, all the better.
The forearm lift will often calm a fussy baby.
Bend one arm and place your baby, tummy down, along the length of your forearm, with his head resting in your open hand and his legs straddling your arm. Bring your arm close to your body for security and then stroke or gently pat his back with your other hand.
Laying him tummy-down across your knees will also often calm a fussy baby. Stroke or gently pat his back. The best hold is laying your baby across your chest so he can fall asleep listening to and feeling your heartbeat.
Use A Baby Carrier.
Babies generally like and need to be held a lot, for long periods. Part of the solution is to just accept the fact that babies take time. Integrate holding a baby with your other activities.
Many babies like to be held while you are standing up and in motion, and they can tell the difference. So you may find yourself, for hours sometimes, with your baby in your arms, walking or standing while you sway side-to-side.